
March - Women's Month

Join us in celebrating all women during March!

March is a month focused on Women’s rights and the fight to reach professional parity. In entrepreneurship and tech, the female role is increasingly important, with more and more women joining these sectors and demanding equal pay and treatment. … Read More

Forum Porto Economia

351 is supporting entrepreneurship across the country! 🚀

This week, our team was in Porto for the Fórum Porto Economia, an event dedicated to the city’s economy in dimensions such as Talent, Investment and Entrepreneurship. … Read More

351 Community Update Newsletter

Upcoming news and events for this month 📅

You can attend CreativeMornings Lisbon and discover the AI world of Grace, the ultra-lifelike nurse robot that will be in Sítio Fintech House, or you can check all the other entrepreneurship events happening in your town. … Read More

Coworking Thursdays

The longest month of the year is almost over 📆

January is usually known as the longest month of the year – but it’s almost over now! We have a new season of Coworking Thursdays starting this week, with a lot of new and exclusive coworks and tech offices for you to try, in Lisbon and Porto. … Read More

Check 351 Startups full 2023 Impact Report!

In our Impact Review, you can find all major initiatives and results that have arisen from the volunteer team’s hard work, passion and commitment to make the Portuguese startup ecosystem one of the most innovative and flourishing in the world. 🚀 … Read More

Startup Digest Portugal: Goodbye to 2023📆

This week Part II of our Holiday gift guide -Startup Digest Edition- with products, services, and books for our Portuguese and International subscribers’ holiday shopping. … Read More

A sneak peak on 351 Startups Impact Report

As the end of the year approaches, we can’t help but look back on what has been the most incredible year for 351 Portuguese Startup Association yet! … Read More

Startup Digest Portugal | 🎅Statup Xmas🎄

The calendar may seem a bit lighter as the Xmas approaches and the year draws to a close. Nevertheless, there remain quality events to keep an eye on, along with new calls being initiated or existing ones reaching their deadlines. Even amid holiday preparations, there’s still a pulse of activity and opportunities. … Read More

351 Community Update Newsletter

What a couple of busy weeks!

We are proud to announce that Portugal Tech Week ended with more than 220 events in 10 cities across Portugal. This is a significant upgrade from the 117 events registered in 2022, and we intend to keep on growing in the next years! … Read More

Portugal Tech Week

Portugal Tech Week: Delegation’s Welcome, Elétrico Pitch and Much More!

Portugal Tech Week is almost starting and we couldn’t be more excited! There are more than 200 events to choose from in the next days, in 10 cities across Portugal and several verticals, such as AI, Coding, Fintech, Future of Work, Healthtech, Ventures & Investment, among others. … Read More