
351 Startups’ new website is on! 🚀

To reflect all the changes on our brand and positioning, 351 has launched a new Website gathering all the 351 projects! … Read More

From 351 Community to 351 Association

The 351 Portuguese Startup Community (351 Community) has evolved and is now a community initiative of the 351 Portuguese Startup Association (351 Startups), alongside the Lisboa Community Fund, Coworking Thursdays, Portugal Tech Week, and several other projects initiated by the community. … Read More

Fuckup Nights Lisbon is back!

📢 We are super thrilled to announce that the most famous event on failure, with chapters in more than 300 cities in 90 countries, is back in Lisbon! … Read More

Announcing 351’s Perks Program and +700K in benefits for startups!

We are thrilled to unveil the first edition of 351’s Perks Program, in which startups within our community can now apply for complimentary access to services worth up to 700K from industry giants in the tech world. … Read More

Introducing Lisbon Community Fund and Portugal Tech Week 2023

We launched the Lisbon’s Community Fund, which intends to support events, meetups, research and other community initiatives and we also officially announced the second edition of Portugal Tech Week, the largest innovation festival in Portugal. … Read More

Introducing Santander X

We have partnered with Fundação Santander Portugal to support the Portuguese startup ecosystem with €30.000 through Santander X Portugal Awards 2023 in two categories! 🎉 In this issue, we also cover 351’s 4 years of life! … Read More

351’s Coworking Day @ the  International Coworking Day

To start it with a bang, we planned the greatest coworking day of all time for the International Coworking Day on August 10th! Together with IDEA Spaces, Lisboa Unicorn Capital and BRIDGE IN, 351 will celebrate the International Coworking Day with a free day at 4 IDEA Spaces locations. … Read More

351 Community Update Newsletter

We are celebrating our 4th anniversary! 🥳

Today we are more than 1300 people who share knowledge, experiences, advice, and good beers at our weekly supported events! We are really proud of what we’ve achieved together with our community 💙💛❤️
If you want to learn more about our journey and how did we get to where we are, you can read this interview that our leadership member and 351 co-founder Fernando gave to Dinheiro Vivo. … Read More

Nuvem Initiative

Find out more about the Nuvem Project!

Discover this initiative created by the Spanish Startup Association and supported by 351 Portuguese Startup Association and ESOP
– Associação de Empresas de Software Open Source Portuguesas, for a fairer and more competitive cloud ecosystem in Portugal. … Read More

Arraial Popular w/ Startup Portugal

Today our team will be at Startup Portugal’s Arraial Popular party as co-hosts. Join us from 6 pm at Calçada da Bica for a free concert, a great environment and lots of networking opportunities! … Read More